• Phone Number: (+381) 62 505 504

  • Contact Mail: altobellokennel@hotmail.com

Altobello Females

CH Votka Altobello

 CH Votka Altobello

(Cronos v. Flandrischen Loewen x Santa Altobello)


Champion of Yugoslavia

Young Champion of Yugoslavia

V-3 Euro Dog Show 1993

YU Club Sieger 1993

multi CAC

10 x Youth Winner



Cronos v. Flandrischen Loewen Arthos v. Deister Hertog Alpha v. Le Dobry
Chiela v. Odenwald
Alexa v. Heiderhof Bronco v. Zenn
Eike v. Stadtwald
Santa Altobello Elvis Royal Bell Hargos v.h. Wantij
Karmel Kesia v. Daispora
Alta Amadeus Frankenland
Rey Roxana od Telepa

Living with Doberman is a privilege. Living for Dobermans is something altogether more than that.


  Karlovacki drum BB
21131 Petrovaradin, Serbia

  (+381) 62 505 504


  Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 22:00

About Us

The simbiosis with these beautiful creatures makes us different and more fulfilled, and it makes us happier because we have an opportunity to participate in the creation of something beautiful and perfect as Doberman. We live for a day when every new litter which we created will be bread, hoping that we shall achieve to create an even better litter from the one that came before and we shall further improve the breed. Even after so many years we still have many sleepless nights because we contemplate another combination in the future. It is nice to live daily with sweet uncertainty while watching how the beautiful small creatures grow into the fulfillment of your dreams every day.

Altobello is a family. Altobello is friendship. Doberman is a million violins, the sky above us.
Altobello Doberman is a living dream.