Maxim di Altobello (Multi Ch.Icarus di Altobello x Ch.Daria Deniz di Altobello) Progeny page |
Euro Dog Show 2012 Romania - European Winner 2012, V1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF BREED World Dog Show 2012 - Salczburg - World Winner 2012, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF BREED Carpathian Cup 2012 Romania - V1, CAC, CACIB, Best male, Best in the show, Best of Breed Serbian Championship 2012 - Champion Class Winner, ChampionShip Class Winner, Balkan Winner 2012, Best Black Male, Progeny Group Winner, Best of Group, Best in Show International Champion Junior World Champion & Junior Best of Breed 2009 IDC World Championship - Champion class winner 2011 Euro - Asia Champion 2011 Pietro Caliandro Winner 2011 AIAD Champion 2010 IDC World Championship - Open class winner 2010 Euro-dog show Champion class winner 2010 Jubileum Luxembourg trophy 2010-best in show Vice World Champion 2009 19 x Best in show 13 x Junior Best in show 9 x Puppy Best in show 14 x Baby Best in show Euro-Asia Champion Champion of Serbia Champion of Luxembourg Champion of Russia | 
| Champion of Montenegro Champion of Bulgaria Champion of Slovenia Champion of Moldavia Champion of Macedonia RKF Champion Balkan Champion Adriatic Champion Serbian Club Winner 2009 , 2010 , 2011 Greek Club Winner 2010 , 2011 Hungarian Club Winner 2010 Croatian Club Winner 2010 Russian Club Winner 2011 Luxembourg Club Winner 2010 Bulgarian Club Winner 2010 Italian Trofeo Caliandro Winner 2011 Montenegro Club Winner 2011 Car Konstantin Club Winner 2010 HD-A (Italy) ed 0/0 vwd clear cardio free ZTP v1A IPO 1 IPO 2 BH |
Tijana Daria di Altobello (Multi Ch.Bandit di Altobello x Ch.Lemira Shade di Altobello) |
International Champion Grand Champion of Montenegro Pietro Caliandro 2011, Italy - EXC.1, Best Black Female, judge: P. Pezzano, A. Pollifrone, E.Szokol Euro - Asia Show 2011, judge: E. Szokol - V1, CAC, R.CACIB, Russian Champion Speciality Dobermann Show Djakovo, Croatia 2011-V1, CAC, Best Female 54 Speciality Dobermann Show, Greece 2011 - V2 Speciality Dobermann Show, Bar 2011, judge: Pezzano - V1, CAC, Black Female Club Winner Balcanica Dobermann Show 2011, judge: Redtenbacher-EXC.1 Dobermann Show, Backa Palanka judge: Killamaier - EXC.1 BEST COUPLE 1ST PLACE - with Maxim di Altobello Trofeo Triveneto, Italy 2010, judge: Pezzano, Szokol-SG1, Best Youth Female |  | Serbian Winner Show 2010, judge: Fokht - V1, Junior Club Winner Speciality Dobermann Show Croatia, Zagreb 2010 - V1 International Dob. Show CACIB Natalinci 2010 - V1, Junior Best II Dobermann Speciality Show Dobermann Club Serbia 2010, judge: Szokol - V1, Speciality Winner International Dog Show CACIB Beograd 2010 - V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS Trofeo Pietro Calianro 2010, Italy, judge: Pezzano, Pollifrone, Szokol-Best Junior Black Female & Best Junior Female IDC 2009, Baby class - VP4 World Dog Show Bratislava 2009-puppy class - VP2 National Dog Show CAC Zrenjanin, baby class - V1
HD-A (Denmark) BH |
M A L E S | F E M A L E S |
Icarus di Altobello (FerroFarah Gomez di Campovalano x Int .Ch. Nikita For Eternity) (in memoriam) | Elena Enigma di Altobello (Multi Ch. Icaro di Villa Castelli x Int. Ch. Nadja Nikita Altobello) |
 | International Champion Champion Luxembourg Champion of Bulgaria Champion of Serbia and Montenegro Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina Champion Macedonia Serbia Club Winner 2007 Vienna Club Winner 2007 Luxembourg Club Winner 2007 Bosnia Club Winner 2007
HD-B (Italy) PHTVL/PHPV-free | International Champion 3 x national CH: Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia Club Winner: Croatia, Romania |  |
Bandit di Altobello (Fedor del Nasi x Golda di Altobello) | Wild Cherry di Altobello (World Ch.Baron Nike Renewal x Ch. Ela Esmeralda Sawages) |
 | Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro Multi Cac, BOB Serbian National Championship 2012 - Champion Class Winner
HD-B IPO- 1 | VICE WORLD WINNER '06 VICE EUROPEAN WINNER '07 International Champion Champion of Serbia and Montenegro Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina Champion of Croatia Champion of Macedonia Champion of Poland Champion of Denmark Balkan Club Sieger 2006 Balkan Club Winner 2005 Vienna Winner 2007 Bosnia Club Winner 2006, 2007 Denmark Club Winner 2006
HD-B (Italy) ZTPv1A
IPO-1 BH |  |
Yron di Altobello (Multi Ch. Icarus di Altobello x Int.Ch.Luna di Altobello) | Luna di Altobello (Int.Ch.Rainbow di Altobello xInt.Ch.Wild Cherry di Altobello) |
 | International Champion Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro
HD-B IPO-1 BH | Internatioal Champion Vice Balkan Siegerin 2007 Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro Champion of Macedonia
HD-A(Italy) ZTP 1A BH |  |
Xox di Altobello (Petar Pan di Altobello x Dolores di Altobello) | Daria Deniz di Altobello (Garangolden di Campovalano x Int. Ch. Nadja Nikita Altobello) |
 | Young Champion of Serbia Candidate for Champion of Serbia Candidate for Champion of Latvia | Champion of Serbia HD-A |  |
Dreamboy di Altobello (WJW Multi Ch. Maxim di Altobello x Int.Ch. WildCherry di Altobello) | Ester di Altobello (Multi Ch.Icarus di Altobello x Beatrice di Altobello) |
 | Candidate for Champion of Serbia CAC, BOB, Best of Group - Bačka Palanka | |  |
Dobergaarden Forever Halifax (IDC Sieger Ale Alamos del Citone x Multi Ch. Fortuna di Altobello) | Brenda di Pecco (World Ch Baron Nike Renewal x Gaby Ginga House) |
 | Balcanica Dobermann Show Club Winner 2011, BOB (judge: H. Redtenbacher) | Young Champion of Macedonia |  |
Shane di Altobello (IDC Sieger Fedor del Nasi x Ch. Daria Deniz di Altobello) | Sky Spirit di Altobello (IDC Sieger Fedor del Nasi x Ch.Daria Deniz di Altobello) |
 | Champion of Montenegro Young Champion of Serbia Candidate for Champion of Serbia | Open Class AIAD Winner 2010 Car Konstantin Club Winner 2010, BOB Young Champion of Montenegro Champion of Montenegro |  |
Apach di Altobello (WJW Multi Ch. Maxim di Altobello x Int. Ch. Luna di Altobello) | Prima di Altobello (Fan-Fan de Grande Vinko x Int.Ch.WildCherry di Altobello) |
 | International Champion Grand Champion of Montenegro Best Baby Greek Club Show - Athens 2009, judge: Becht Candidate for Champion of Serbia Open Class Winner Serbian Club Show, 2011 V1, CAC - Open Class - 49th Cacib Belgrade, judge: Nedeljković Serbian National Championship 2012 - Open Class Winner CACIB Sivac 2012 - V1, CAC, CACIB Speciality Doberman Club Čenej 2012, judge: D.Kohler (DEU) - Club Winner Doberman Cup B. Palanka 2013, judge: N. Daube(DEU) - Club Winner Speciality Doberman Show Ruma 2013 - Best Black Male, Best of Breed, Best in Show Srem Dog Fest 2013 - Best in Show, Superior Best in Show
HD-A | Champion of Montenegro Junior Best
HD-A BH |  |
Uran di Altobello (Multi Ch. Bandit di Altobello x Xantipa di Altobello) | Lemira Shade di Altobello (Ferrofarah Gomez di Campovalano x Int. Ch. WildCherry di Altobello) |
 | World Junior Winner 2012, Salzburg, Austria Junior Champion of Austria Junior Champion of Serbia Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro Champion of Mediteran Champion of Moldavia Champion of Macedonia Champion of Azerbeijan Champion of San Marino Balkan Sieger 2013 Doberman Cup Novi Sad 2013 - Best Brown Male Club Winner 3 x Best of Breed IV Dobermann Show B. Palanka - Junior Club Winner Speciality show II FCI group Tuzla - Junior Club Winner, R.Best in Show XIV Dobermann Cup Novi Sad - Junior Club Winner VII BIH Sieger Gradacac - Junior Club Winner CACIB Bogatic - Junior Class Winner CACIB Natalinci - Junior Class Winner, Junior Best in Show CAC Gradacac - Junior Class Winner CAC Paracin - Junior Class Winner, Best of Breed IDC 2012. 3rd place 43. DV Sieger-Hauptzuchtschau Stennweiler Junior 2012 Vice Sieger CACIB Obrenovac - CAC.R.cacib V Dobermann Show B.Palanka - CAC 1st place Speciality show - Stara Patova - CAC, Best of Breed CACIB Crna Gora CAC, CACIB International Dog Show CACIB Belgrade 2014 - V1, CAC, CACIB, BEST OF BREED HD-A IPO-1 BH-Test | Young Champion of Serbia Champion of Montenegro
HD-A BH |  |
Rock'n'Rolla di Altobello (Multi Ch. Bandit di Altobello x Dreamgirl di Altobello) | Dreamgirl di Altobello (WJW Multi Ch. Maxim di Altobello x INT. CH. WildCherry di Altobello) |
 | Balkan Sieger 2012 | Champion of Montenegro Champion of Bulgaria Champion of Moldavia Young Champion of Luxembourg Club Winner of Serbia 2011 Vice AIAD Young Sieger 2010 Serbian Championship 2012 - Champion Class Winner, Best Brown Female, Balkan Winner 2012, Best Opposite Sex CACIB Sivac 2012 V1, CAC, CACIB, Best Opposite Sex Carpathian Cup 2012 - V2,R.CAC |  |
Born To Be Mine di Altobello (Maxim di Altobello x Orca Hani Red del Rio Bianco) | Prada di Altobello (WJW Multi Ch. Maxim di Altobello x Sky Spirit di Altobello) |
 | IDC 2013, Intermedia class - 3rd place Candidate for International Champion Champion of Montenegro GrandChampion of Montenegro Champion of Bulgaria GrandChampion of Bulgaria Balkan Champion Champion of Cyprus Mediteranean Champion Champion of Azerbaijan Champion of Georgia Caucasian Champion 3 X Best in Show 2 x Junior Best in Show | 2x Junior Winner CAC Ruma CACIB Odzaci CAC Turija - Intermedia Class Candidate for Champion of Serbia |  |
| Peneloppe Nero di Altobello (WJW Multi Ch. Maxim di Altobello x Sky Spirit di Altobello) |
| | 2 X Junior Winner 2 x CAC Candidate for Champion of Sebia |  |
| Lambada di Altobello (Ch. Purgajs Porsche di Altobello x Sky Spirit di Altobello) |
| | Young Champion of Serbia |  |