INT CH Gilgamesh Casa di Oz
(INT CH Casanova Altobello x CH Baronessa Zova Renewal)
- International Champion
- San Marino Young Champion
- Yugoslav Champion
- Young Yugoslav Champion
- candidate for Italian Champion
- V-1 CAC, CACIB - Novi Sad (Serbia) 26/10/2003
- V-1 CAC, CACIB and Res. Best Couple in Show with
Elena Enigma - Prilep (MACEDONIA) 11/10/2003
- V-1 Working Class Croatia Club Championship 31/08
- V-1 CAC, Best of Breed and Best Couple with Elena
Enigma di Altobello Senta/SERBIA 17/08/2003
- AIAD Baby Club Sieger 2001 (judge: P.Pezzano)
- 2 x CACIB (Novi Sad/ Yugoslavia; Skopje/ Macedonia)
- multi CAC
- 2nd in Open Class Euro Dog Show, Paris 2002 (judge: Pezzano)
- V-4 Open Class Pietro Caliandro Show 2002
- V-3 Open Class Mauvieres FRANCE 2003 (June 8th, 2003)
- IPO-1
- HD-B (Italy)
Casanova Altobello |
Playboy Altobello | Gamon di Campovalano | Graaf Quirinus Neerlands Stam |
Mali di Campovalano | |||
Votka Altobello | Cronos Flandrischen Lowen | ||
Santa Altobello | |||
Berta Dobson | Hillo Royal Bell | Hargos v.h. Wantij | |
Karmel Kesia v. Diaspora | |||
Diana Royal Bell | Arrow Harro's Berg | ||
Tea v. Ferrolheim | |||
Baronessa Zova Renewal |
Prinz v. Norden Stamm | Quin Dei Nobili Nati | Runo Dei Nobili Nati |
Tairy di Campovalano | |||
Kastra v. Norden Stamm | Ebo v.d. Groote Maat | ||
Alida v. Flandrischen Loewen | |||
Borana Karmen Sawages | Graf Festus v. Neerlands Stam | Graf Guido v. Franckenhorst | |
Unita v. Neerlands Stam | |||
Heidi Royal Bell | Hargos v.h. Wantij | ||
Karmel Kesia v.Diaspora |
Gilgamesh so far mated in kennels:
CAMPOVALANO - female Akela di Campovalano (ITALY)
female Salome´Shaani von Cobra:
and in several kennels in GERMANY
And in Altobello kennel he mated females:
- Alabina The Great Queen (Come As You Are Agor x Bona Shona),
in cooperation with del Animus kennel (UK)
- Coca Cola Altobello (Ilijadin von Franckenhorst x Ela Esmeralda Sawages)
- Juanita Altobello (Aristo Leo di Motta Visconti x Berta Dobson)