• Phone Number: (+381) 62 505 504

  • Contact Mail: altobellokennel@hotmail.com

Dogs in foreign countries

Altobello Dogs in Greece

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Yellena di Altobello

(Icarus di Altobello x Luna di Altobello)

yellena di altobllo

V3 Youth class FCI World Dog Show 2008 (47 entries!!)
SG3 Youth class IDC 2008 (judge of class: T.Bystrom, judges of finals: H.Wiblishauser, P.Pezzano, H.Redtenbacher, M.Dalgaard, T.Bystrοm) (24 entries)
Best female of Breed-CAC 1st Special show of the DVGR's section 109 Thessaloniki (judge:M.Dalgaard)
Champion Serbia
Champion Montenegro

Aruena di Altobello

(Master Max of Djarmati x Elena Enigma di ALtobello)


INT. Srb CH.
Best female of breed CAC special show of Greek club (Markopoulo) (23/03/08)-judge:V.Papoutsani)
Best female of breed CAC-CACIB (Int.show ΟΚΑ 4-5/04/08 (Athens)-judge:H.Kliebenstein)
Best of breed CAC-Best of Group 2 (20/04/08 4th National show,Agrinio-judge:R.Kantzou)
Best female of breed CAC (25/05/08 special show of Greek club (Avlonas)-judge:J.Charrier)
Best female of breed CAC-CACIB (07/09/2008,Crete International show, judge :Deutcher Erwin)

Marlon di Altobello

(Fedor del Nasi x Ester di Altobello)

marlon 12 months

VG1 Youth Sieger AIAD 2008 (Giovane Promessa AIAD) (judge :Er.Szokol , judges in finals :P.Pezzano,Fl.Coppo,Er.Szokol)
V1-RCAC Open class winner Trofeo Calliandro 2009 (judge: B.Corsini , judges in finals :P.Pezzano,N.Daube.B.Corsini)
Best Puppy of breed(judge:T.Zoras)-4th best puppy in show (judge:Zvi Kupferberg)at International show of the Kennel Club of Greece (Athens,7/10/2007)
EXC1-Best Junior of breed at International show of the Kennel Club of Greece (Athens, 11/5/2008)(judge: Luis Pinto TEIXEIRA )
Best male of breed,CAC-CACIB at International show of the Kennel Club of Greece (Athens 11/10/2008) (judge:Juan Naveda)
Best brown male,CAC at the Sieger show of the Greek club (judge:H.Wiblishauser) (Avlonas November 2008)
HD A (Germany)

Artemis di Altobello

(Maxim di Altobello x Luna di Altobello)

artemis di altobello

Black female baby winner DVGR Sieger show 2009 (judge:T.Becht) 08.11.09
Olympic Trophy 2010 Hope (Youth winner)07.05.2010 (judge:T.Zoras)
Best Junior Black female International show of the Kennel Club of Greece 09-05-2010 (judge:T.Bystrom)
DVGR Promise 2010 (Young winner)-Greek dobermann club sieger show 14-11-2010 (judge:R.Killmaier)
open class winner-best female of breed, Greek club show (17/4, Att.Polifrone)
open class winner-CAC-best female of breed at Olympic Trophy show (judge of class:Er.Szokol , judges in finals:P.Pezzano-Er.Szokol)
open class winner-CAC,CACIB-best female of breed, International show of the Kennel Club of Greece (14-5, C.P.Stavarache)
HD A (Germany)

Sabba di Altobello

(Fedor del Nasi x Daria Deniz di Altobello)

saba feb 2010.jpg.-almost 2 yrs

Trofeo Caliandro 2010 - V1, CAC, Best brown female (Pezzano, Polifrone, Coppo)
V3 Open class IDC 2010 (Gabriela Ridarcikova)
Speciality Show , Backa Palanka - V1, CAC, Best brown female (Erika Szokol)
Serbian Club Show - V1, CAC, Club Winner 2010 (Natalia Foht)
Champion of Montenegro
International Show of the Kennel Club of Greece (15/05/2011) CAC-CACIB,Qualification for Crufts 2012
International Show of the Kennel Club of Greece (26/06/2011) CAC-CACIB,Best of Breed (Judge::Roni Doedijns )-Final 6 in Group2 (Judge: Jo Schepers)

Uragan di Altobello

(Tamlands Brabus Nasi x Panama di Altobello)

uragan di altobello

Res. Baby Best in Show (of all breeds) - International CACIB show Athens 2008
Baby Winner - Dobermann Specialty show Greece 2008

Narmer Greco di Altobello

(Maxim di Altobello x Malena di Altobello)

narmer 22 months

EXC1-Open class Winner at speciality show of the Greek club (Avlonas,17/4/2011) (judge:Att.Polifrone)

India di Altobello

(Icarus di Altobello x Panda di Altobello)



Morela di Altobello

(Zordan Zewi del Citone x Sabba di Altobello)

morella di altobello

Lives with John Papadopoulos on Thessaloniki.
4mp Junior class Trofeo Calliandro 2011
V4 Youth Class 2nd Serbian Winner Show - Serbian National Championship 2011

Branka Maxima di Altobello

(Maxim di Altobello x Prima di Altobello)


Olimpia Dea di Altobello

(Power del Mediano x Fortuna di Altobello)

olimpia dea


Mythodia Mia di Altobello

(Tamlands Brabus del Nasi x Golda di Altobello)

Real Dream di Altobello

(Bandit di Altobello x Dreamgirl di Altobello)


Castor di Altobello

(Dreamboy di Altobello x Rihanna Ria di Altobello)


On photos 5 months

On photos 6 months

22/6/2012 - National (CAC) SHOW of the Kennel Club of Greece


23/6/2012 - International (CACIB) SHOW of the Kennel Club of Greece


24/6/2012 - MEDITERRANEAN WINNER SHOW (Marathonas Greece)


Congratulations to Castor and his owners!

Living with Doberman is a privilege. Living for Dobermans is something altogether more than that.


  Karlovacki drum BB
21131 Petrovaradin, Serbia

  (+381) 62 505 504


  Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 22:00

About Us

The simbiosis with these beautiful creatures makes us different and more fulfilled, and it makes us happier because we have an opportunity to participate in the creation of something beautiful and perfect as Doberman. We live for a day when every new litter which we created will be bread, hoping that we shall achieve to create an even better litter from the one that came before and we shall further improve the breed. Even after so many years we still have many sleepless nights because we contemplate another combination in the future. It is nice to live daily with sweet uncertainty while watching how the beautiful small creatures grow into the fulfillment of your dreams every day.

Altobello is a family. Altobello is friendship. Doberman is a million violins, the sky above us.
Altobello Doberman is a living dream.